2020 Year in Review
I think we are all pretty excited to see 2020 go and not let the door hit it on the way out.
But slow your roll into 2021!
Before diving deep into the new year with all of those Goals! And Planning! And Resolutions!…I think it’s important to reflect back on this year, find the gratitude and note the positive things that happened.
Despite it mostly being a challenging year in so many ways, I know there were many good things that happened for me, and I know there were for you, too.
Every year, I fill out a Year in Review page to honor the past 12 months and remind myself of what I accomplished and achieved. This year was no exception, and, in fact, it feels even more important to do this exercise after the year we’ve collectively experienced.
My Year in Review from 2017
I find this activity so rewarding because it helps me appreciate the most simple things that happened. It’s a good way to set your mind for the new year and gain clarity on what worked, what didn’t work, how you felt, and how you’d like to move forward.
While 2020 was filled with lots of anxiety and chaos, there were just as many moments of serenity and joy.
Grab the download below to make a list of everything that went well for you. I like to look back through my planner to recall specific moments, what was happening, how I felt, what I spent my time doing, etc. This helps me remember those small moments that deserve to be honored and recognized. Keep in mind that this is not meant to be a laundry list of the greatest achievements ever. Sure, those deserve recognition and space on the page, but if you write got out of bed and got dressed most days like I did, that totally counts as something to celebrate in 2020.
If you feel brave and want to share your list, go ahead and tag me on Instagram @lorifullerphoto and use the hashtag #LFPyearinreview
I am grateful for the lessons learned in 2020, but I am ready to move forward with cautious optimism for the new year. I hope you are as well.
Happy New Year!
PS. You can print out the download or fill it in digitally.