February - It's All About You...and Me!
In January I started something new in my little corner of the internet world. I introduced the idea of a monthly theme. January was all about GRATITUDE. I had fun sharing images from my life that reflected gratitude. I also blogged about how my family and I practice being grateful with the Good News and Gratitude Jar. Expressing gratitude for the people, places and things you love is always a good idea, and although January is all wrapped up, I hope to encourage everyone to find a little sparkle of gratitude in everyday life.
This month is all about SELF. As a parent, I find that It takes a conscious effort to make sure I am taking care of myself. Sometimes the needs of my children trump my own, and as a parent, I accept and embrace this responsibility. But when I don't nurture my own self care or well-being for too long, I feel Drained. Exhausted. Resentful. Inadequate. The airline industry knows what it's talking about when they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first. If I am reminded to take care of myself first at 35,000 feet, I should certainly remember this advice when my feet are firmly planted on the ground. So, in honor of You!...and Me!...and Airplanes!, let's celebrate ourSELVES this month with stories and photos, with support and encouragement on the act of SELF care. I'll be sharing tips and advice from my amazing tribe of friends who happen to be experts in a variety of fields; I'll share anecdotal stories and ask for yours; and with it being my BIRTHDAY MONTH, I'll be hosting a G I V E A W A Y (more on that another time).
I'll be sharing on Instagram and Facebook, so come on over and join the party! See you there. xo, Lori