A Funny Thing Happens...

Toddler blowing kiss_Lori Fuller Photography

A funny thing happens when both your kids are in high school…

You try to remember all of the details of when they were little humans like this, but you realize it gets a bit harder with each passing year.

Sure, I still remember the sleepless nights and the constant messes, but I would give anything to hold their little hands again that were once this size in mine, or have their toddler-sized bodies curl up on my lap just to be enveloped in that feeling of how a simple hug from me was all they needed in that moment (and some days it was all I needed as well).

It’s been said before, but I recently re-read the quote, “the days are long but the years are short” and dang this one is hitting me like a gut punch lately.

Where are my parents who are relating to this? Anyone else out there having a moment?!